September 2012
Current Issue
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Celebrate World Vegetarian Day October 1 - take a carnivore to lunch

Poor animals, how jealously they guard their bodies, for to us are merely an evening’s meal, but to them is life itself.
T. Casey Brennan

In this edition...

  Video: Is diet, exercise, or both better for cancer?
  Is a vegetarian diet best for diabetes?
  Take tuna off school menus, group says
  Cancer preventing foods
  Debate: Would we be healthier with a vegan diet?
  Want protein? Eat your veggies

Environment and World Hunger
  Food shortages could force world into vegetarianism, say scientists
  Super trawler banned from fishing in Australian waters
  Gwynne Dyer: The rich, the poor, and the hungry
  Charbroiling meat creates more pollution than semi trucks

Lifestyles and Trends
  Why the word 'vegan' is more powerful than ever
  Korean schools successfully experimenting with vegetarian meals
  Veggie celebs: Bruce Springsteen turns 63 - his vegetarian diet and workout secrets
  Video: Vegan Ellen DeGeneres interviews vegetarian Kellie Pickler

Animal Issues and Advocacy
  Video: 10 billion lives
  Vegan feud: Save one animal or improve the lives of many?
  Could anyone find this animal abuse tolerable?
  Stop the animal holocaust

Books and Perspectives
  10 Questions with the author of 'Main Street Vegan'

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(Excerpts are included from current news stories. Click on the "Full story" link to read the full article.)

Video: Is diet, exercise, or both better for cancer?
Video source:

Whose blood is better at killing cancer cells? People who eat a standard diet and exercise strenuously or those who eat a plant-based diet and just exercise moderately? [3:45]   Watch video... - September 19

Is a vegetarian diet best for diabetes?
Full story: EmaxHealth

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of the disease that affects millions of people worldwide. But diabetes can also be caused by autoimmunity, known as type 1 that develops early in life. Pregnant women are at risk for gestational diabetes from hormones released during pregnancy that raise blood sugar levels. Can all types of diabetes be avoided or controlled with a vegetarian diet?   Read more...

EmaxHealth - August 26

Take tuna off school menus, group says
Full story: USA Today

A coalition of consumer groups is recommending the U.S. Department of Agriculture get tuna out of school lunchrooms after tests of canned tuna sold to schools found highly variable levels of mercury, in some cases higher than federal guidelines. Tuna industry groups countered that canned tuna is safe and wholesome. [Surprise.]   Read more...

USA Today -

Cancer preventing foods
Full story: Stardard Media, Kenya

Food plays a vital role in cancer prevention and treatment. Even when cancer has been diagnosed, diet continues to be vitally important. Some foods contain substances that neutralise the action of carcinogens (anticarcinogens), which slow or prevent the development of cancer. All anti carcinogens are plant-based nourishment, which include fresh fruit, vegetables and other food plants. The following foods are encouraged in reduction and cancer prevention...   Read more...

Stardard Media, Kenya - September 25

Debate: Would we be healthier with a vegan diet?
Full story: Wall Street Journal

A July 2012 Gallup poll puts the percentage of American adults who say they consider themselves vegetarian at 5%, and those who consider themselves vegans at 2%. Far more Americans in a 2006 Gallup poll said they eat red meat and dairy regularly: 60% and 71%, respectively. But of course, that isn't necessarily confirmation of the benefits of meat and dairy: Good health, like good sense, does not always reside with the majority. What does science say on the subject? Here, two scientists [T. Colin Campbell and Nancy Rodriguez] offer their thoughts.   Read more...

Wall Street Journal - September 18

Want protein? Eat your veggies
Full story: Care2

One way to make people forget about the overwhelming scientific evidence against eating meat, writes food activist and public health lawyer Michele Simon, "is to conflate the idea of meat with a nutrient that we do in fact need: protein." And all signs indicate that this spin has worked. Americans now equate protein with meat, meat with protein. Many Americans, moreover, believe that complete protein nutrition and the "highest quality" protein can only be obtained from meat. The good news is that you can get your protein elsewhere, and it's just as good as any protein from meat. "Calorie for calorie, green veggies - such as romaine lettuce, broccoli, and kale - have twice as much protein as steak," says Janice Stanger, author of The Perfect Formula Diet, [just one of many excellent quotes from experts] as cited on the Good Food Project website.   Read more...

Care2 - August 29

More Health News:
Which 'natural' food companies are fighting the effort to label GMOs?
John Robbins in Huffington Post (August 22)
Do you really need that statin?
This expert says no - and it could be harmful. - Dissident Voice (August 22)
Video: World's deadliest hamburger [1:25]
Fox News
Treating Crohn's disease with diet (September 13)
Cows fed candy due to drought
Huffington Post (August 21)

  Environment and World Hunger    

Food shortages could force world into vegetarianism, say scientists
Full story: Guardian, UK

Leading water scientists have issued one of the sternest warnings yet about global food supplies, saying that the world's population may have to switch almost completely to a vegetarian diet over the next 40 years to avoid catastrophic shortages. Humans derive about 20% of their protein from animal-based products now, but this may need to drop to just 5% to feed the extra 2 billion people expected to be alive by 2050, according to research by some of the world's leading water scientists.   Read more...

Guardian, UK - August 26

Super trawler banned from fishing in Australian waters
Full story: E-The Environmental Magazine

The controversial FV Abel Tasman super trawler will be banned from fishing in Australian waters for up to two years while further scientific assessments of its environmental impact are carried out. The 465-foot vessel, operated by Seafish Tasmania, can pull enormous nets capable of encircling 13 jumbo jets. The trawler received international attention following intensive opposition from Greenpeace Australia, Environment Tasmania and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. "Our oceans do not stand a chance against this kind of vessel,"said Greenpeace Australia Pacific CEO David Ritter.   Read more...

E-The Environmental Magazine - September 24

Gwynne Dyer: The rich, the poor, and the hungry
Full story: Straight

Combine the rise in meat consumption with an extra billion people and severe constraints on food production, most of them related to climate change, and world food prices in 2025 could be two to three times higher in real terms than they are now. That means that the poorest starve, and that a lot of McKinsey's promised new "consumers" - those who can spend on other things than sheer survival [from McKinsey Global Institute's new report, "Urban World: Cities and the Rise of the Consuming Class"] - don't make it into the middle class after all.   Read more...

Straight - August 15

Charbroiling meat creates more pollution than semi trucks
Full story: RedOrbit

If you needed another reason to steer clear of hamburgers for lunch, a group of scientists has concluded that America's favorite sandwich cannot only be bad for the waist line, it can also be bad for our environment. Though it may not be shocking for anyone who has ever wondered about the impact of those billowing plumes pouring from the local burger shack, these scientists from the University of California have found that burgers may be responsible for much of Southern California's air pollution. In fact, these charbroiled burgers, steaks and even chicken may be more damning to air quality than 18-wheelers.   Read more...

RedOrbit - September 24

More Environmental and World Hunger News:
Soy versus dairy: What’s the footprint of milk?
TThe water footprint of the soy milk products analysed in this study was 28% of the water footprint of the global average cow milk. - The Conversation, Australia (August 28)
Food security - a perfect storm
TWe produce sufficiently for everyone on earth to have enough food, yet despite this cornucopia a significant proportion of people cannot afford to eat properly. Why? - AllAfrica (August 28)

  Lifestyles and Trends    

Why the word 'vegan' is more powerful than ever
Full story: VegNews

It wasn't long ago that the word "vegan" evoked images of emaciated hippies, angry activists, and starving dumpster divers in the mainstream lexicon. Of course, there's nothing wrong with a lean physique, being passionate about a cause, and saving perfectly good food from going to waste, but in the past five years, something has changed... It is nearly impossible to deny that veganism's moment has arrived.   Read more...

VegNews - September 17

Korean schools successfully experimenting with vegetarian meals
Full story: The Hankyoreh, Korea

"It's like a miracle. I've been suffering from atopy [causing allergic reactions] for 16 years but the symptoms completely disappeared in 103 days," Cho Min-hyuk, high school senior in Daegu, said with great confidence. It was the school meals at Cho's High School that totally changed his life. Professor Kim Sung-hee from Daegu Catholic University's department of Family Medicine, said, "The students are so much healthier now after only three months." Principal Hong said, "Through this project we were able to confirm that a vegetarian diet improves students' health and concentration. I hope Korean society accepts the wishes of the minority with different eating habits."   Read more...

The Hankyoreh, Korea - September 21

Veggie celebs: Bruce Springsteen turns 63 - his vegetarian diet and workout secrets
Full story:

Rocker Bruce Springsteen celebrated his 63rd birthday on Sept. 23, 2012 by bringing down the house with a stunning performance at the MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey. At the end of the concert, the audience sang "Happy Birthday" to the ageless Springsteen, whose appearance has barely changed over the decades. The super-fit Bruce is a health fanatic who follows a mostly vegetarian diet, lifts weights, and runs on the treadmill to stay fit. His workout routine has remained the same for the past 30 years.   Read more... - September 23

Video: Vegan Ellen DeGeneres interviews vegetarian Kellie Pickler
Video source:

Vegan Ellen DeGeneres interviewed vegetarian Kellie Pickler on her talk show [recently]. The tofu-powered women have more in common than eating their veggies: both credit their meat-free diets with helping them to become more energized and take on new projects.   Read more/Watch video... - September 17

More Lifestyles and Trends News:
McDonald's to open vegetarian restaurants in India
Yahoo, NZ (September 5)
10 hot female celebrity vegetarians and vegans
StarPulse (September 19)

  Animal Issues and Advocacy    

Video: 10 billion lives
Video source: Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary

Look into their eyes - truly, are these farm animals any different than your dog or cat? If you still eat animals please take four minutes to watch this video.   Watch video...

Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary - August 14

Vegan feud: Save one animal or improve the lives of many?
Full story: Care2

Animal advocates are at war. With each other. The issue is how best to protect animals, and while there is a range of opinions, the two primary polarized camps are known as the welfarists and the abolitionists... The debate between these camps has simmered higher and lower for years, but recently came to a head when animal advocate, Texas State University professor and blogger James McWilliams addressed the feud in Slate. "The rift dividing HSUS from [vocal abolitionists] might seem insignificant, but it's not. In fact, it threatens to weaken the cause from within," he writes. I am vegan. If I could abolish animal exploitation I would do it in a heartbeat. It is my ultimate goal. But that doesn't free me from the moral obligation and the demands of basic decency to help animals who are suffering today. If I abandon them because I think their suffering is more likely to bring down animal exploiters, I am exploiting them for my own purposes.   Read more...

Care2 - September 16

Could anyone find this animal abuse tolerable?
Full story: Huffington Post

[Recently], the USDA shut down operations at Central Valley Meat Co. due to cruelty shown in an undercover video taken by Compassion Over Killing. The facility, located at the center of California's dairy industry, slaughters California dairy cows when their milk production declines and sells their meat to make hamburger for the school lunch program. Asked for a comment, owner Brian Coelho said: "Our company seeks not just to meet federal humane handling regulations, but exceed them." The industry considers people who take footage like this to be criminals and wants them jailed. I consider them heroes who are trying to return our society to a semblance of morality in the way we treat dairy cows and other livestock. [Video at the link. See also Slaughterhouse back in business one week later.]   Read more...

Huffington Post - August 22

Stop the animal holocaust
Full story: Haaretz, Israel

How are enlightened people capable of ignoring the gap that exists between the amount of suffering caused to animals when they are being murdered, and the amount of pleasure such an enlightened person gets from eating their flesh. I have not understood, and I still do not understand, how a conscientious person can be completely shut off from the subject on the agenda. How cultured people ignore the daily bloodshed in the slaughterhouses, the legal extermination of helpless animals that is carried out because of the human lust for meat.   Read more...

Haaretz, Israel - September 7

More Animal Issues and Advocacy News and Videos:
Heartwarming video: Ben the bear is free after years in a small cage
Animal Legal Defense Fund (August 27)
Author Karen Dawn comments on NYT 'happy cows' article
DawnWatch (September 10)
Ban shark finning on board vessels, says EU Fisheries Committee
European Parliament News (September 20)
Animal sentience video: Bonobos can make stone tools
Guardian/New Scientist (August 22) - also this Care2 article.
1300 piglest euthanized because of abuse on Canadian farm
CBC, Canada (August 28)

  Books and Perspectives    

10 Questions with the author of 'Main Street Vegan'
Full story: VegNews

Victoria Moran: Main Street Vegan is to reach out to people who might be intrigued by going veg, but it seems just too hard or too weird. Since I've been vegan since it really was hard and weird, I think I can help. As for why I wrote it, I went to a little PETA fundraiser. I saw video footage like I've been seeing for years, but for some reason, that night, I just had this overwhelming desire to help and felt frustrated that I couldn't do more. That night, going home in the subway, it seriously came to me: short chapters, recipe after each one as a kind of gift to the reader.. I wrote this book, primarily, for people who aren't vegan yet - those folks on Main Street who want to feel better and live well and help the planet, but for whom the idea of vegan is still pretty foreign. [Great interview! Highly recommended]   Read more...

VegNews - August 21

Blogs/Newsletters/Websites of interest: - Free guided meditations from New Zealander Elisabeth Blaikie to help everyone, no matter what state their life is in right now, find the doorway to greater inner peace and love as she believes that world peace, global consciousness starts with each one of us.

Farm Sanctuary Blog - Farm Sanctuary’s Senior Director for Strategic Initiatives Bruce Friedrich offers his top three recommendations for animal advocates Matt Ball from his book The Animal Activist’s Handbook.

Artists for Change - a new concept in downloadable music - great listening that can help you make a difference in the world.


Farm Sanctuary's Sleep In for Farm Animals Virtual Walk

You can also join one of the real walks - taking place until November 3.

Healthy Lifestyle Expo, Los Angeles, October 12-14 - as always a line-up of fabulous speakers

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