Meatout Day is March 20 - invite a friend to lunch!
But for the sake of some little mouthful of flesh, we deprive a soul of the sun and light and of that proportion of life and time it had been born into the world to enjoy. - Plutarch
In this edition...
Health |
New study: Vegan diet is best at reducing heart disease risk in children |
Research links meat, high-fat diet to chronic kidney disease |
Do vegetarians get enough protein? |
Cure Type 2 Diabetes with sugar and white rice - Dr. McDougall |
U.S. nutrition panel: Here's how you should eat |
Marketing to doctors - John Oliver takes a light look at a serious issue |
Environment |
Can seven billion humans go paleo? |
No, tofu is not responsible for soy-related deforestation |
Pollutants from dairies linked to tainted shellfish, tap water in U.S. |
Lifestyles and Trends |
Vegan food is popular, but how easy is it to change? |
Nondairy beverages' next wave |
Richard Linklater - 12 years for 'Boyhood' and 30 years for animals |
Why former Burger King and Pepsi execs ditched meat to bet on plant-based protein |
Animal Issues and Advocacy |
Animal rights groups fighting big ag on Wall Street |
'Horrific animal abuse' captured on UK halal slaughterhouse spycam |
Peter Singer: Animal abuse won't stop until we stop eating meat |
Animal sentience: Chickens can count like humans |
The human victims of factory farming |
Karen Dawn: Is celebrity shaming good animal rights activism? |
Books and Perspectives |
Brilliant new book explores the awakening of compassion in animal advocates |
Meatonomics explores the bizarre economic forces that drive meat & dairy production |
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(Excerpts are included from current news stories. Click on the "Full story" link to read the full article.)
New study: Vegan diet is best at reducing heart disease risk in children
Full story: Treehugger
A new study compares the effects of a vegan diet vs. the American Heart Association diet on obese children with high cholesterol. Plant-based, low-fat wins the day... "Cardiovascular disease begins in childhood. If we can see such significant improvements in a short four-week study, imagine the potential for improving long-term health into adulthood if a whole population of children began to eat these diets regularly," said Dr. Michael Macklin, the lead researcher.
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Research links meat, high-fat diet to chronic kidney disease
Full story:, U.S.
Most of us intuitively understand that what we eat affects how we feel, immediately and over time. Exactly how this happens - through the complex interplay of the billions of bacteria that live in the gut - has recently become a topic of intense scientific interest, as the process has been connected to diseases and conditions as diverse as Crohn's disease, obesity, anxiety, diabetes, cancer and autism. Cleveland Clinic research on a substance produced by these gut bacteria during the digestion of red meat, eggs and high-fat dairy has already established a link between these foods and increased risk of heart disease, and now points to an independent and equally troubling link to chronic kidney disease.
Read more... |, U.S. - January 29
Do vegetarians get enough protein?
Full story: Care2
Vegetarians and vegans are all too familiar with the question: Do you get enough protein? Well, we can finally put that question to rest thanks to a large study that compared the nutrient profiles of about 30,000 non-vegetarians to 20,000 vegetarians and about 5,000 vegans, 5,000 flexitarians (vegetarian most of the time), and 5,000 pescetarians (no meat except fish). The average requirement is 42 grams of protein a day... meat eaters get way more than they need, and so does everyone else. Vegetarians and vegans get 70 per cent more protein than they need every day.
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Cure Type 2 Diabetes with sugar and white rice - Dr. McDougall
Video source: YouTube/VegSource
Fat is the cause of Type 2 diabetes, the cure is a low-fat plant-based diet. Here Dr. McDougall discusses the considerable research showing even a diet of table sugar, white rice and fruit juice can cure Type 2 diabetes. And yet a lot of people misguidedly believe sugar is the culprit in this disease.
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YouTube/VegSource - February 23
U.S. nutrition panel: Here's how you should eat
Full story: The Hill
There's good news for coffee drinkers and vegans in new dietary recommendations that could be incorporated into guidelines from the federal government in the U.S. The advisory committee's report found that an organically grown vegan diet had the most potential health benefits and the lowest estimated impact on resources and the quality of the ecosystem.
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Marketing to doctors - John Oliver takes a light look at a serious issue
Video source: YouTube
Comedian John Oliver exposes how pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars marketing drugs to doctors. [See also important information from Dr. Greger below on how consumers overestimate the value of drugs and doctors don't inform patients of the power of diet.]
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Can seven billion humans go paleo?
Full story: Earth Island Journal
Paleo dieters are in it for their health [however misquided]... fair enough. But it's critical to understand that human health is inextricably bound to the health of Earth's ecosystems. Humans are but one link in the web of life, and that web is being polluted and stretched to the breaking point.
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Earth Island Journal - February 2
No, tofu is not responsible for soy-related deforestation
Full story: One Green Planet
While it is true that yes, soybean plantations are responsible for an enormous amount of deforestation, especially in the world's rainforest ecosystems ... tofu is not to blame. While soy is popularly associated with a variety of dairy-free and meat-free products, such as soy milk, soy cheese and the illustrious tofu, the bulk of the world's soy is NOT consumed by people. Around 70 per cent of the world's soy is fed directly to livestock and only six per cent of soy is turned into human food, which is mostly consumed in Asia. The rest of soy is turned into soybean oil.
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One Green Planet - January 22
Pollutants from dairies linked to tainted shellfish, tap water in U.S.
Full story: Komo News, U.S.
Shellfish, swimming beaches, and the tap water for thousands of people in certain areas of Washington state are being contaminated by pollutants running off farms, and critics say dairy cows are the chief culprit.
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Komo News, U.S. - November 21
Lifestyles and Trends
Vegan food is popular, but how easy is it to change?
Full story: Sydney Morning Herald
Eating plants, not animals, has a new glamour thanks in part to the numbers of famous names now reportedly eating meals without animal products - think Christine Lagarde, the elegant head of the International Monetary Fund, musicians Russell Brand and Usher, and actors like Joaquin Phoenix and Jessica Chastain. "In my experience it's the people who go vegan in a more gradual manner who usually have better vegan diets," says Lucy Taylor, a Melbourne accredited practising dietitian and vegan.
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Sydney Morning Herald - February 16
Nondairy beverages' next wave
Full story: IFT
Good-tasting dairy-free options-sourced from almonds, cashews, quinoa, and more-are proliferating in response to consumers' growing interest in plant-based milk products.
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Richard Linklater - 12 years for 'Boyhood' and 30 years for animals
Video source: YouTube/PETA
In a playful homage to Boyhood, the award-winning film that he recently wrote and directed, Richard Linklater talks to PETA about animals, the environment, and being a proud vegetarian from Texas.
Watch video... |
YouTube/PETA - February 17
Why former Burger King and Pepsi execs ditched meat to bet on plant-based protein
Full story: One Green Planet
Brian and Kelly Swette realized that something had to change in the food industry, and they could either wait for it to happen or help to propel the change themselves. Brian has always been interested in sustainability and Kelly, on the other hand, was passionate about nutrition, health, and food. So, three years ago, this husband and wife team decided to combine these interests and dedicate their energy to Sweet Earth, which they proudly refer to as their "legacy project."
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One Green Planet - February 16
Animal Issues and Advocacy
Animal rights groups fighting big ag on Wall Street
Full story: Care2
In an attempt to fight against the multi-billion dollar animal agriculture industry, animal rights groups are engaging in increasingly complex and wide ranging campaigns that not only sway public opinion, but also force companies to re-evaluate their practices based on their financial implications. The Humane Society of the United States recently launched a new campaign to undermine Big Ag-policy makers, by forcing companies to look for more humane farming options through shareholder pressure.
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'Horrific animal abuse' captured on UK halal slaughterhouse spycam
Full story: ITV
Hidden cameras have captured "horrific" abuse of animals in a halal slaughterhouse. Under the halal code, animals are supposed to be killed quickly with a single sweep of a surgically-sharp knife, should not see the knife or witness the death of other animals. Footage, courtesy of Animal Aid, was taken inside the slaughterhouse and shows the animals in distress.
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Peter Singer: Animal abuse won't stop until we stop eating meat
Full story: Guardian, UK
If you turn animals into things to use, and give workers complete control over them, it will never be possible to stop the occurrence of the kind of abuse allegedly shown in [undercover] videos. Sacking one or two workers merely makes a scapegoat out of them. The problem is not one or two workers but the system, and the system will not change until people stop buying meat.
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Guardian, UK - February 11
Animal sentience: Chickens can count like humans
Full story: Empire State Tribune, U.S.
Do you think chickens are no brainier, think again? It used to be an insult when somebody calls you chicken brain, but may be not anymore. They can count like humans, and that's when they are chicks yet. How much more when they are already fully grown chickens? One research group completed a research concerning the ability of chicks to identify numbers and came out with rather stunning results.
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Empire State Tribune, U.S. - February 1
The human victims of factory farming
Full story: One Green Planet
The experience of the animals living and dying in factory farms is cruel torture, but the animals aren't the only ones subjected to cruelty. People are also impacted by industrial animal agriculture.
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One Green Planet - February 13
Karen Dawn: Is celebrity shaming good animal rights activism?
Full story: Huffington Post
We have to remember that helping animals and hurting their abusers is not necessarily the same thing. In fact negative campaigns and posts can pull our energy away from joyful and effective activism for the animals. And when a newspaper prints a fabulous vegan recipe it helps the animals far more than a headline announcing that animal rights activists are threatening the life of a popular actor.
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Huffington Post - February 9
Books and Perspectives
Brilliant new book explores the awakening of compassion in animal advocates
Full story: Psychology Today
[Today] plant-based eaters are part of a social sea change demanding pan-species democracy. The beautiful new book, Turning Points in Compassion: Personal Journeys of Animal Advocates, showcases the kaleidoscope of this radical change. Edited by Gypsy Wulff and Fran Chambers, Turning Points in Compassion presents a veritable garden of stories by sixty-three authors. The diversity in contributor nationalities, backgrounds, professions, and ages is testimony that animal rights has come of age.
[Note: The contributors have provided an
inspirational, yet challenging and informative read for people who have
never considered the impact of their food choices on animals, the
environment and their health. Gypsy Wulff advises that all proceeds from the sales of the book are donated to animal sanctuaries and rescue groups. Here is the book's website with chapter one available for preview.]
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Psychology Today - February 21
Whenever possible, stories are linked to the original source. Some sites may require registration, and/or not archive the stories. All links were active at the time of publication.
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