It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little. Do what you can. - Sidney Smith
In this edition...
Health |
Video: Avoiding Alzheimer's |
Gluten-free diets: Separating the wheat from the chat |
Mislabelled fish could mean more mercury than you think |
New Study: Vegetarians live longer |
NZ study: Eat your veggies to find happiness |
Environment and World Hunger |
We're eating pangolins off the face of the earth |
How much of the world's cropland is actually used to grow food? |
Lifestyles and Trends |
33 vegan comfort food recipes that may be better than the originals |
Company takes crack at breaking up egg industry |
Canada: Civil Code changes to protect animal rights in Quebec |
Shark fin sales continue to decline in China |
Can one pig change people's love for bacon? |
Animal Issues and Advocacy |
Video: Undercover investigation into food you're eating |
Nicaragua: British tourist rescues sea turtles destined for meat traders |
Animal sentience: Wild monkeys use researchers as 'human shields' |
Nestle makes animal welfare pledge after dairy cow abuse |
Koko the gorilla mourns actor Robin Williams |
Books and Perspectives |
What are animals thinking? (Hint: More than you suspect) |
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(Excerpts are included from current news stories. Click on the "Full story" link to read the full article.)
Video: Avoiding Alzheimer's
Full story: VegSource
Would you like to know how to recognise and prevent Alzheimer's disease? Neal Barnard MD speaks about this and much more about Alzheimers and dementia in this 1-hour video presentation.
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Gluten-free diets: Separating the wheat from the chat
Full story:
How common is gluten sensitivity? Are there benefits of gluten? Why does the medical profession explicitly advise against people who suspect they might be gluten intolerant from just going on a gluten-free diet? [Video]
Read more... | - August 24
Mislabelled fish could mean more mercury than you think
Full story: Treehugger
Most people who eat fish and want to be careful about their mercury exposure will usually try to pick fish species, or fish coming from certain parts of the world, that are known to contain fewer toxins (and hopefully also not be endangered species!). But unfortunately, things aren't quite that simple. Deciding to only eat certain types of fish from certain places works in theory, but in practice you might not be getting what you think you're getting. A recent study used DNA testing to figure out how much fish was mislabelled in the U.S., and the results are pretty scary.
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New Study: Vegetarians live longer
Full story: VegNews
Want to live 10 years longer? Go vegetarian. We know a plant-based diet is better for animals and the environment, and now another study confirms the health benefits of going veg. New research conducted by Loma Linda University School of Public Health studied the eating habits of 73,000 Americans, showing that people who follow a meat-free diet have a 20 per cent lower mortality rate than meat eaters.
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NZ study: Eat your veggies to find happiness
Full story: Huffington Post
What's your idea of a fulfilling life? Definitions vary, but most of us would likely point to one marked by a sense of purpose and engagement, as well as curiosity and creativity. In an intriguing finding, researchers in New Zealand have found a link between eating a lot of fruits and vegetables and experiencing the aforementioned pleasures, which collectively fall under the heading of eudaemonic well-being.
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Huffington Post - August 16
Environment and World Hunger
We're eating pangolins off the face of the earth
Full story: Care2
While we've been focused on the poaching crisis that's threatening the future for charismatic animals like elephants, rhinos and tigers, another species now faces the threat of extinction thanks to human appetites and could disappear before most people even hear of it. The pangolin, which includes eight species who live in Africa and Asia, are unique little creatures in a number of ways. Unfortunately, these curious creatures are being hunted to the brink for both their meat, which is considered a delicacy by the affluent, and for their scales, which are believed to have medicinal properties. [Find out how to help at]
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How much of the world's cropland is actually used to grow food?
Full story: Vox
"...Just 27 per cent of crop calories are consumed directly - wheat, say, or fruits and vegetables grown in California. By contrast, more than 67 per cent of crops - particularly all the soy grown in the Midwest - goes to animal feed. And a portion of the rest goes to ethanol and other biofuels."
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Lifestyles and Trends
33 vegan comfort food recipes that may be better than the originals
Full story: Food
Thanks to the taste buds (and kitchen skills) of talented and creative bloggers all over the Internet, we've rounded up meatless and dairy-free versions of some of the most popular, most un-vegan dishes out there. Not only do these recipes eliminate animal products, but many introduce healthier alternatives and more nutritionally beneficial swaps for flavors that not only resemble, but maybe even surpass the originals. From breakfast to dinner and everything in between, here are 33 dishes you never thought you could vegan-ize...
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Company takes crack at breaking up egg industry
Full story: SFGate
If we had to start over, we wouldn't cram nine birds into tiny little cages and require lots of land and water and fertilizer and oil," Hampton Creek's founder Josh Tetrick said. "We might work with farmers around the world to grow abundant plant species that use less water, use less carbon, that are just as nutrient-dense, that don't have environmental externalities. What we've come to understand is if we approach things less like a food company, and in some ways more like a technology company, new things can open up."
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Canada: Civil Code changes to protect animal rights in Quebec
Full story: CTV
Quebec's new agriculture minister is promising to clean up the province's bad reputation as one of the best places to be an animal abuser. Pierre Paradis says new legislation is in the works that will redefine the status of an animal in the province's Civil Code and improve its protection. Once the Civil Code is amended, cats, dogs and other animals will no longer be considered as "personal property" but as living, "sentient" creatures. That is a formula that has already been adopted by several European countries. "We were inspired by what was done in France, where they redefined the concept of the animal as a being that is capable of feeling pain," Paradis said.
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Shark fin sales continue to decline in China
Full story: TreeHugger
A new report from WildAid, a non-profit dedicated to reducing the demand for wildlife products, finds that the market for shark fin has declined over the past two years. The report of slowing demand for shark fin is consistent with numbers released by Chinese officials last year.
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Can one pig change people's love for bacon?
Full story: Care2
Do you think one pig can change people's love for bacon? Absolutely, if Esther the Wonder Pig has anything to snort about it! She's a pet pig who was adopted in 2012 by Steve Jenkins and Derek Walter, two Ontario men who were under the impression she was of the 'micro pig' varietal. But Esther is anything BUT micro. So what's a pig owner to do? For these former pork eaters-turned vegans, the choice was simple. Keep and love Esther, and embrace her as part of their family. Steve and Derek share their intentions on Esther the Wonder Pig's Facebook page: "She knows what's happening, and she feels every emotion we do. She is not a product, or a piece of pork."
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Animal Issues and Advocacy
Video: Undercover investigation into food you're eating
Full story: MSNBC
Rev. Al Sharpton, Humane Society President and CEO Wayne Pacelle, and undercover investigator Cody Carlson discuss Ag-Gag laws and video footage touching on food safety in America. [Important mainstream media coverage of the factory farming, cruelty and ag gag law issues.]
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Nicaragua: British tourist rescues sea turtles destined for meat traders
Full story: Western Daily Press
A couple of Loggerhead sea turtles, which were destined for the meat traders, have been rescued and returned to sea after being discovered laying on their backs and suffocating. "Sometimes you are faced with a situation so outrageous that you have no other choice than to intervene and right a wrong," British tourist Chris Skone-Roberts said.
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Western Daily Press - August 25
Animal sentience: Wild monkeys use researchers as 'human shields'
Full story: Mother Nature Network
Samango monkeys in South Africa have figured out how to capitalize on their predators' wariness of humans, raising doubts about our ability to observe the 'natural' behavior of such clever wildlife. The researchers studied the way wild monkeys studied them - specifically, they compared the monkeys' behavior when humans were and weren't hanging around. Not only did the monkeys behave differently in the researchers' presence, but they capitalized on people's tendency to spook terrestrial predators like leopards.
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Mother Nature Network - July 30
Nestle makes animal welfare pledge after dairy cow abuse
Full story: Chicago Tribune
After cutting ties last year with a Wisconsin supplier that was documented abusing dairy cows, Nestle has announced sweeping reforms to improve the welfare of farm animals in its supply chain. Nestle, one of the world's largest food companies based in Switzerland, said it has signed a partnership agreement with World Animal Protection, which means all 7,300 of the company's suppliers of animal-derived products will have to comply with the organization's tougher animal welfare standards.
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Chicago Tribune - August 21
Koko the gorilla mourns actor Robin Williams
Full story: Care2
Robin Williams met Koko, a sign language communicating gorilla, at The Gorilla Foundation in California in 2001 and they formed an immediate bond, helping Koko with her grief over the loss of her gorilla companion. On the day the world was informed of Robin Williams' death. Koko watched as the phone call of the sad news was received by Dr. Penny Patterson at The Gorilla Foundation. Koko went over to Dr. Patterson with an inquiring look on her face. The doctor told Koko "we have lost a dear friend, Robin Williams," to which Koko became quiet and thoughtful. By the end of the day, Koko's lip quivered and her head turned down in a somber repose. Animals mourn. They mourn fellow animals and humans they have had relationships with. [Video at link.]
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Books and Perspectives
What are animals thinking? (Hint: More than you suspect)
Full story: Time
The mind of an animal is a far richer, more complex thing than most people know - as a new TIME book The Animal Mind reveals. The more deeply scientists look into the animal mind, the more they're discovering it to be a place of richness, joy, thought and even nuance.
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Also of interest:
New Books:
Growl: Life Lessons, Hard Truths, and Bold Strategies from an Animal Advocate - By Kim Stallwood
Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook - By Ann and Jane Esselstyn
September 6 - November 2 - Walk for Farm Animals / Sleep In Virtual Walk - Farm Sanctuary
September 20-21 - Farm Animal Care Conference - Farm Sanctuary, New York
October 10-12 - Lifestyle Expo 2014 - VegSource presents top health experts and delicious food in a beautiful setting, Los Angeles, CA
May 29-31, 2015 - Vida Vegan Con - Austin, TX - an action-packed, weekend-long conference in which participants educate, explore, and inspire one another to become better communicators for the vegan cause.
Websites and Blogs
Animals 24-7 - an online magazine for original news and journalism related to animal rights, animal protection, and other animal issues, founded by award-winning investigative reporter and longtime Animal People editor, Merritt Clifton...
Animals 24-7
Logan Beaulieu - Vegan Ultra-runner, Speaker and Run Coach from Edmonton, Alberta - says that he has noticed an improvement in his overall health and well-being since switching from vegetarianism to veganism over a half dozen years ago. His father, who's 70th birthday is approaching, is a veteran, ultrarunner who became vegan after over-coming cancer. They are one of the few father/son teams in the country and possibly one of the only vegan, father/son teams. Check out Logan's inspirational site...
Logan's Run
Worldwide VEGAN GiveAway Event - Explain in 400 words or less WHY YOU WILL ALWAYS BE VEGAN. Selected essays will be published online. Outstanding Vegan prizes. From The Vegan Truth blogspot. Email by September 15, 2014...
Vegan GiveAway
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