May 2014
Current Issue
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If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals. - Albert Einstein

In this edition...

  Heart disease: Treatment using vegetables over drugs
  Video: Pollutants in salmon and our own fat pose diabetes risk
  Heart association serves up - heart attacks?
  Video: Debunking egg industry myths

  European study quantifies environmental impact of meat and dairy
  Should we blame farmers or meat eaters for meat's environmental footprint?
  What if everyone in the world became a vegetarian?

Lifestyles and Trends
  13 questions you get asked when you don't eat animals
  Tips for talking to your kids about veganism
  92-year-old vegan runs another half marathon
  Video - Top athlete: Why I went vegan
  Scientists predict cultured meat factories for every town

Animal Issues and Advocacy
  Video: Goat Mr. G despondent until reunited with donkey pal Jellybean
  Animals are mothers, too - nine stories
  Organic dairy: Less bad does not mean good
  Animal sentience: Orangutans share their future plans with others
  Video: It's time to re-evaluate our (legal) relationship with animals

Books and Perspectives
  'Never Too Late to Go Vegan:' An interview with author Virginia Messina
  Looking into their eyes - review of 'We Animals'
  Mark Bittman's vegan revolution: How to diet part-time

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(Excerpts are included from current news stories. Click on the "Full story" link to read the full article.)

Heart disease: Treatment using vegetables over drugs
Full story: CBC, Canada

Many doctors treating heart disease tend to prescribe drugs known as statins like Lipitor, but some physicians in Canada are trying a new method: a vegan diet. Dr. Shane Williams is a community cardiologist in Ontario. "People do not know the power of food," Williams said. After four months on a mostly plant-based regime, patient Liam Cragg noted a big difference. "I was at least 30 pounds lighter, my waistline had shrunk by four inches and my knees didn't ache anymore," said Cragg.   Read more...

CBC, Canada - May 23

Video: Pollutants in salmon and our own fat pose diabetes risk
Video source:

Farmed Atlantic salmon, the kind of salmon most commonly found in restaurants and supermarkets, may be the single largest source of toxic dietary pollutants. Dairy and meat are also sources. The best way to detox is to stop toxing in the first place.   Watch video... - May 7

Heart association serves up - heart attacks?
Full story: VegSource Blog

What happens when a plant-based doctor is invited to an American Heart Association "educational" and fundraising luncheon.. .and she is a served greasy, oily, almost 50 per cent fat heart-attack-on-a-plate meal? This is the kind of disconnect that is typical.   Read more...

VegSource Blog - May 14

Video: Debunking egg industry myths
Video source:

The latest meta-analysis of studies on egg consumption and heart disease risk found that even less than a single egg a day is associated with increased risk of both cardiovascular disease and diabetes.   Watch video... - May 12

More Health News:
I went to the nutritionists' annual confab. It was catered by McDonald's
Mother Jones (May 12)
7 harmful diet lies you probably believe
Time (May 24)
Chicken factory workers suffer respiratory illness from toxic chemicals used
Mother Jones (April 30)
8 disgusting facts about hog poop
Mother Jones (May 21)
WHO calls for urgent action to preserve power of antibiotics
Guardian, UK (April 30)
Why you should not worry about protein, but should eat more beans
One Green Planet (May 7)


European study quantifies environmental impact of meat and dairy
Full story: Business Standard, India

A new report has quantified for the first time how much our food choices affect pollutant nitrogen emissions, climate change and land-use across Europe. Report lead author Henk Westhoek said, "The report shows that the nitrogen footprint of meat and dairy is considerably higher than that from plant-based products. If all people within the EU would halve their meat and dairy consumption, this would reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture by 25 to 40 per cent, and nitrogen emissions by 40 per cent.   Read more...

Business Standard, India - April 28

Should we blame farmers or meat eaters for meat's environmental footprint?
Full story: One Green Planet

When it comes to modern day threats to our environment, the animals-for-food industry has most of the bases covered: it pollutes our water and air, wastes precious resources, and contributes to climate change. So who is responsible for these environmental nightmares? Is it the owners of massive factory farming operations, or the flesh-hungry consumers who want their meats?   Read more...

One Green Planet - May 2

What if everyone in the world became a vegetarian?
Full story: Slate

Researchers from the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency published their projections of the greenhouse gas consequences if humanity came to eat less meat, no meat, or no animal products at all... Bottom line: Universal eschewal of meat wouldn't single-handedly stave off global warming, but it would go a long way toward mitigating climate change. But what would be the other ramifications?... [Related short video from The Weather Channel.]   Read more...

Slate - May 1

More Environment and World Hunger News:
Some myths about meat - the facts on grass fed and local beef
Terrastendo (April 16)
Definitive Harvard study: Honeybees abandoning hives and dying due to insecticide use
Guardian, UK (May 9)

  Lifestyles and Trends    

13 questions you get asked when you don't eat animals
Full story: One Green Planet

You're out with friends and you order the veg option... Question after question about what you eat, are you getting enough vitamins, is it because it's popular now? The questions fall like rain in a storm. One by one, you calmly answer them, taking note of the crazier questions from people who have not yet been informed of the benefits and positives accompanying your lifestyle. Embrace this opportunity and use it as a time to educate those close to you about your lifestyle!   Read more...

One Green Planet - May 31

Tips for talking to your kids about veganism
Full story: Care2

In a world where almost everyone is eating animals, talking to your kid about veganism is an important thing to do if you want to help them understand the ethics behind a vegan lifestyle. Whether you or another family member has recently gone veg, or you have been raising your children vegan and now they are starting to ask questions, here are some top tips for reaching your kids with the vegan message...   Read more...

Care2 -

92-year-old vegan runs another half marathon
Full story: VegWorld Magazine

Mike Fremont, age 92, ran a 3H28M35S half marathon, beating his previous best time. Mike became a vegan over 20 years ago and began setting single age world records in running. He credits being a vegan for his success.   Read more...

VegWorld Magazine - May 12

Video - Top athlete: Why I went vegan
Full story: VegSource

James "Lightning" Wilks, an MMA fighter best known to many for winning The Ultimate Fighter TV challenge, US vs. UK relates his decision to go 100 per cent plant-based. James also holds a Black belt in Tae Kwon Do and a Brown belt in Brazilian Jui Jitsu.   Read more...

VegSource - May 16

Scientists predict cultured meat factories for every town
Full story: Food Processing, Australia

One day, every town could have its own small-scale cultured meat factory, scientists have predicted in the journal Trends in Biotechnology. Cor van der Weele and co-author Johannes Tramper say that rising demand for meat around the world is unsustainable in terms of environmental pollution and energy consumption, not to mention the animal suffering caused by factory farming. "Other parts of the future are partly substituting meat with vegetarian products, keeping fewer animals in better circumstances, perhaps eating insects," van der Weele said.   Read more...

Food Processing, Australia - May 22

More Lifestyles and Trends News:
Peacefully co-existing at meal time
Lifehacker, Australia (May 27)
How to talk about food without upsetting people
Care2 (May 13)
10 funny ‘AHA!’ moments while eating vegan
One Green Planet (May 28)
Australian vegetarian butcher Suzy Spoon perfects recipe for yummy meatless meals
Daily Telegraph, Australia (May 22)
Can going vegetarian save you from Bali belly?
Tips for eating veg in different regions around the world - Sydney Morning Herald, Australia (May 20)
Going veg
Cover story - Amtrak Arrive magazine (May/June)
Bill Gates-backed food startup begins To come out of shell, make money
Forbes (May 13)

  Animal Issues and Advocacy    

Video: Goat Mr. G despondent until reunited with donkey pal Jellybean
Video source: Discovery

Goats have feelings too. A new video shows how Mr. G, the goat, could not muster the heart even to eat when he was separated from his BFF, Jellybean - a donkey.   Watch video...

Discovery - May 28

Animals are mothers, too - nine stories
Full story: Care2

Every year in the month of May, the arrival of Mother's Day marks an occasion to reflect on not only the love of our own mothers, but the essence of motherhood itself, and what it means for us and our culture. The same profound relationship exists among members of other species. Mother cows mourn their lost calves, hens search for their eggs....   Read more...

Care2 - May 7

Organic dairy: Less bad does not mean good
Full story: One Green Planet

With the growing awareness being brought to the cruel treatment of animals raised on factory farms, more consumers are looking for "organic" and "free-range labels" on their meat and dairy products. the real-life organic farm is more factory than fairy-tale... While organic may be a better alternative to dairy that is filled with hormones and antibiotics, it is not a cruelty-free solution. If you really want to make a cow happy, ditch dairy all together.   Read more...

One Green Planet - May 5

Animal sentience: Orangutans share their future plans with others
Full story: Scientific American

Very few animals have revealed an ability to consciously think about the future - behaviors such as storing food for the winter are often viewed as a function of instinct. Now a team of anthropologists at the University of Zurich has evidence that wild orangutans have the capacity to perceive the future, prepare for it and communicate those future plans to other orangutans.   Read more...

Scientific American - May 1

Video: It's time to re-evaluate our (legal) relationship with animals
Full story: Tedx Talks

Lesli Bisgould is Canada's first animal rights lawyer. She talks compellingly about the need for changes in the law to ameliorate the legal status of animals. [14:16]   Read more...

Tedx Talks - May 6

More Animal Issues and Advocacy News:

"Someday" - the cartoon that broke rock icon Morrissey's heart - will be featured on his tour. Will one young chick survive what 8 billion chickens each year cannot?

7 fascinating things you never knew about cows
Care2 (May 27)
Animated video: The brutal basics of modern farms
ASPCA Blog (May 1)
How Jane Goodall changed our view of humanity
Daily Life, Australia (May 30)
Australia debates 'ag-gag' laws
ABC, Australia (May 5)
Meet Leon Trotsky: Piglet on wheels
Care2 (May 1)
Up to 80 per cent of humane meat labels meaningless
Time (May 14)

  Books and Perspectives    

'Never Too Late to Go Vegan:' An interview with author Virginia Messina
Full story: Farm USA Blog

Virginia Messina, also known as The Vegan RD, has a few books under her belt. In her latest installment, co-authored with Carol J. Adams and Patti Breitman, Never Too Late to Go Vegan: The Over-50 Guide to Adopting and Thriving on a Plant-Based Diet, Messina provides essential nutritional information pertinent to folks who are over age 50. In addition, the trio of authors tackles some of the challenges facing folks who are interested in transitioning to a vegan diet later in life and help guide their readers towards a goal of ultimate health.   Read more...

Farm USA Blog - May 7

Looking into their eyes - review of 'We Animals'
Full story: Huffington Post

[By Bruce Friedrich, Farm Sanctuary.] Jo-Anne McArthur's We Animals is the most gorgeous book I have experienced in many years. It is also an invaluable gift to the animal protection community. We Animals should do the trick. It is a book of breathtakingly gorgeous photos and incisive accompanying prose, a perfect coffee table book -- a perfect gift for anyone, regardless of their current animal sympathies... We Animals offers haunting sadness, but it also offers intense hope.   Read more...

Huffington Post - May 12

Mark Bittman's vegan revolution: How to diet part-time
Full story: Salon

After the success of his first VB6 manifesto, Bittman has now released the VB6 cookbook, a gorgeous collection of recipes and photos that won't just make you feel good and eat better; they'll get you out of the bagels and sandwiches rut with hearty morning milkshakes and teriyaki tempeh. Salon recently spoke to Bittman about the challenges and rewards of going more plant-based, and the surprisingly voluptuous pleasures of moderation.   Read more...

Salon - May 14

More Books:

Circles of Compassion: Connecting Issues of Justice
Just in case you missed this important new book by Dr. Will Tuttle in our last issue.

Also of interest:


June 27-30 - Taking Action for Animals - Humane Society of the United States, Washington, DC

July 2-6 - Vegetarian Summerfest - North American Vegetarian Society, Johnstown, PA

July 10-13 - Animal Rights National Conference - Farm Animal Rights Movement, Los Angeles, CA

October 10-12 - Lifestyle Expo 2014 - VegSource presents top health experts and delicious food in a beautiful setting, Los Angeles, CA


Sunshine needs your help. A program operated jointly by the Canadian Government and the animal/dairy/meat industry contacted Sherry & Yan (Sunshine's people), wanting to slaughter him as part of an "eradication program." Sunshine is a healthy, happy, member of their family, and lives on a vegan agri-tourism farm/animal sanctuary. Please sign and pass on...
Save Sunshine

The National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) — the Canadian agricultural industry organization that establishes codes of practice for producers — is currently reviewing the turkey code. Mercy for Animals has created a petition asking NFACC to do the right thing and help prevent turkey abuse.
Speak out against turkey torture

Websites/Blogs - Farm Sanctuary's new site offers articles, tips and recipes for everyone from veg-curious to long-time vegans
Farm Sanctuary

Vegan Signs of the Times - 150+ inspirational and uplifting photos for the vegan community from the Vegan Poet...
Vegan Signs of the Times

The Truth About Weight Loss That Lasts - As always, Lani Muelrath, the plant-based fitness expert, offers good advice, even if she has to break all the marketing rules to do it...
The Truth About Weight Loss - Lani Muelrath

More Tidbits:

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